Modular Caching Library for C++
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Ccachemere::policy::bind< Policy, Args >Binds a Policy<K, KH, V, Args...> template to a Policy<K, KH, V> template to be used with the cache
 Ccachemere::policy::detail::BloomFilter< ItemHash >Probabilistic data structure for representing sets in a space-efficient format
 Ccachemere::policy::detail::BloomFilter< KeyHash >
 Ccachemere::Cache< Key, Value, InsertionPolicy, EvictionPolicy, ConstraintPolicy, MeasureValue, MeasureKey, KeyHash, ThreadSafe >Thread-safe memory-restricted cache
 Ccachemere::measurement::CapacityDynamicallyAllocated< T >Get the size of an object via a user-defined capacity() method
 Ccachemere::policy::ConstraintCount< Key, KeyHash, Value >Count constraint
 Ccachemere::policy::ConstraintMemory< Key, KeyHash, Value >Memory constraint
 Ccachemere::policy::detail::CountingBloomFilter< ItemHash >Space-efficient probabilistic data structure to estimate the number of times an item was inserted in a set
 Ccachemere::policy::detail::CountingBloomFilter< KeyHash >
 Ccachemere::policy::EvictionGDSF< Key, KeyHash, Value, Cost >Greedy-Dual-Size-Frequency (GDSF) eviction policy
 Ccachemere::policy::EvictionLRU< Key, KeyHash, Value >Least Recently Used (LRU) eviction policy
 Ccachemere::policy::EvictionSegmentedLRU< Key, KeyHash, Value >Segmented Least Recently Used (S-LRU) Eviction Policy
 Ccachemere::policy::InsertionAlways< Key, KeyHash, Value >Simplest insertion policy. Always accepts insertions
 Ccachemere::policy::InsertionTinyLFU< Key, KeyHash, Value >Tiny Least Frequently Used (TinyLFU) insertion policy
 Ccachemere::Item< Value >A wrapper for items stored in the cache
 Ccachemere::policy::detail::HashMixer< Key, KeyHash >Functor used for generating a uniform sequence of numbers in a given value range for a given key
 Ccachemere::MultiHash< Key, KeyHash, Tail >Allows combining hashers for multiple types into a single hashing object
 Ccachemere::MultiHash< Key, KeyHash >
 Ccachemere::measurement::Size< T >Get the size of an object via a user-defined size() method
 Ccachemere::measurement::Size< Key >
 Ccachemere::measurement::Size< Value >
 Ccachemere::measurement::SizeOf< T >Get the size of an object via sizeof()
 Ccachemere::detail::TransparentEq< Key >
 Ccachemere::policy::EvictionSegmentedLRU< Key, KeyHash, Value >::VictimIteratorIterator for iterating over cache items in the order they should be
 Ccachemere::policy::EvictionLRU< Key, KeyHash, Value >::VictimIteratorIterator for iterating over cache items in the order they should be evicted
 Ccachemere::policy::EvictionGDSF< Key, KeyHash, Value, Cost >::VictimIteratorIterator for iterating over cache items in the order they should be evicted