Data Manipulation

Data Manipulation #

String #

func String(value interface{}) String
Returns a String class object that allows invoking standard string
operations as method.

append #

func append(list interface{}, elements ...interface{}) IGenericList
Append new items to an existing list, creating a new list.

Aliases #

  • push

array #

func array(value interface{}) interface{}
Ensures that the supplied argument is an array (if it is already an
array/slice, there is no change, if not, the argument is replaced by
[]interface{} with a single value).

bool #

func bool(str string) bool
Converts the `string` into boolean value (`string` must be `True`,
`true`, `TRUE`, `1` or `False`, `false`, `FALSE`, `0`)

char #

func char(value interface{}) interface{}
Returns the character corresponding to the supplied integer value

contains #

func contains(list interface{}, elements ...interface{}) bool
Tests whether a list contains all given elements (matches any types).

Aliases #

  • has

containsStrict #

func containsStrict(list interface{}, elements ...interface{}) bool
Tests whether a list contains all given elements (matches only the
same types).

Aliases #

  • hasStrict

content #

func content(keymap interface{}) interface{}
Returns the content of a single element map.
Used to retrieve content in a declaration like:
    value "name" { a = 1 b = 3 }

dict #

func dict(args ...interface{}) IDictionary
Returns a new dictionary from a list of pairs (key, value).

Aliases #

  • dictionary

extract #

func extract(source interface{}, indexes ...interface{}) interface{}
Extracts values from a slice or a map, indexes could be either
integers for slice or strings for maps.

find #

func find(list interface{}, element interface{}) interface{}
Returns all index positions where the element is found in the list
(matches any types).

findStrict #

func findStrict(list interface{}, element interface{}) interface{}
Returns all index positions where the element is found in the list
(matches only the same types).

get #

func get(map interface{}, key interface{}, default ...interface{})
Returns the value associated with the supplied map, key and map could
be inverted for convenience (i.e. when using piping mode).

hasKey #

func hasKey(dictionary interface{}, key interface{}) interface{}
Returns true if the dictionary contains the specified key.

Examples #

Razor:    @hasKey(dict("key", "value"), "key")
Template: {{ hasKey (dict "key" "value") "key" }}
Result:   true
Razor:    @hasKey("key", dict("key", "value"))
Template: {{ hasKey "key" (dict "key" "value") }}
Result:   true
Razor:    @hasKey(dict("key", "value"), "other_key")
Template: {{ hasKey (dict "key" "value") "other_key" }}
Result:   false

initial #

func initial(list interface{}) interface{}
Returns but the last element.

intersect #

func intersect(list interface{}, elements ...interface{}) IGenericList
Returns a list that is the intersection of the list and all arguments
(removing duplicates).

isNil #

func isNil(arg1 interface{}) bool
Returns true if the supplied value is nil.

Aliases #

  • isNull

isSet #

func isSet(arg1 interface{}) bool
Returns true if the supplied value is not nil.

isZero #

func isZero(arg1 interface{}) bool
Returns true if the supplied value is false, 0, nil or empty.

Aliases #

  • isEmpty

key #

func key(value interface{}) interface{}
Returns the key name of a single element map.
Used to retrieve name in a declaration like:
    value "name" { a = 1 b = 3 }

keys #

func keys(dictionary IDictionary) IGenericList
Returns a list of all of the keys in a dict (in alphabetical order).

lenc #

func lenc(str string) int
Returns the number of actual character in a string.

Aliases #

  • nbChars

list #

func list(args ...interface{}) IGenericList
Returns a generic list from the supplied arguments.

Aliases #

  • tuple

merge #

func merge(destination IDictionary, sources IDictionary, args
...IDictionary) IDictionary
Merges two or more dictionaries into one, giving precedence to the
dest dictionary.

omit #

func omit(dict IDictionary, keys interface{}, args ...interface{})
Returns a new dict with all the keys that do not match the given keys.

pick #

func pick(dict IDictionary, keys ...interface{}) IDictionary
Selects just the given keys out of a dictionary, creating a new dict.

pickv #

func pickv(dict IDictionary, message string, keys interface{}, args
...interface{}) interface{}
Same as pick, but returns an error message if there are intruders in
supplied dictionary.

pluck #

func pluck(key interface{}, dictionaries ...IDictionary) IGenericList
Extracts a list of values matching the supplied key from a list of

prepend #

func prepend(list interface{}, elements ...interface{}) IGenericList
Push elements onto the front of a list, creating a new list.

removeEmpty #

func removeEmpty(list interface{}) IGenericList
Returns a list with all empty elements removed.

removeNil #

func removeNil(list interface{}) IGenericList
Returns a list with all nil elements removed.

rest #

func rest(list interface{}) interface{}
Gets the tail of the list (everything but the first item)

reverse #

func reverse(list interface{}) IGenericList
Produces a new list with the reversed elements of the given list.

safeIndex #

func safeIndex(value interface{}, index int, default interface{})
Returns the element at index position or default if index is outside

set #

func set(dict interface{}, key interface{}, value interface{}) string
Adds the value to the supplied map using key as identifier.

slice #

func slice(value interface{}, args ...interface{}) interface{}
Returns a slice of the supplied object (equivalent to

string #

func string(value interface{}) string
Converts the supplied value into its string representation.

undef #

func undef(default interface{}, values ...interface{}) interface{}
Returns the default value if value is not set, alias `undef` (differs
from Sprig `default` function as empty value such as 0, false, "" are
not considered as unset).

Aliases #

  • ifUndef

union #

func union(list interface{}, elements ...interface{}) IGenericList
Returns a list that is the union of the list and all arguments
(removing duplicates).

unique #

func unique(list interface{}) IGenericList
Generates a list with all of the duplicates removed.

Aliases #

  • uniq

unset #

func unset(dictionary interface{}, key interface{}) string
Removes an element from a dictionary.

Aliases #

  • delete
  • remove

Examples #

Razor:    @{myDict} := dict("key", "value", "key2", "value2", "key3", "value3")
          @-unset($myDict, "key")
          @-unset("key2", $myDict)
Template: {{- $myDict := dict "key" "value" "key2" "value2" "key3" "value3" }}
          {{- unset $myDict "key" }}
          {{- unset "key2" $myDict }}
          {{- toJson $myDict }}
Result:   {"key3":"value3"}

values #

func values(arg1 IDictionary) IGenericList
Returns the list of values contained in a map.

without #

func without(list interface{}, elements ...interface{}) IGenericList
Filters items out of a list.