Sprig Date

Sprig Date #

ago #

func ago(date interface{}) string
The ago function returns duration from time.Now in seconds resolution.

date #

func date(fmt string, date interface{}) string
The date function formats a date

dateInZone #

func dateInZone(fmt string, date interface{}, zone string) string
Same as date, but with a timezone.

Aliases #

  • date_in_zone

dateModify #

func dateModify(fmt string, date time.Time) time.Time
The dateModify takes a modification and a date and returns the

date_modify #

func date_modify(fmt string, date time.Time) time.Time
The dateModify takes a modification and a date and returns the

duration #

func duration(second interface{}) string
Formats a given amount of seconds as a time.Duration.

durationRound #

func durationRound(duration interface{}) string
Rounds a given duration to the most significant unit.

htmlDate #

func htmlDate(date interface{}) string
The htmlDate function formats a date for inserting into an HTML date
picker input field.

htmlDateInZone #

func htmlDateInZone(date interface{}, zone string) string
Same as htmlDate, but with a timezone.

now #

func now() time.Time
The current date/time. Use this in conjunction with other date

toDate #

func toDate(fmt string, str string) time.Time
Converts a string to a date. The first argument is the date layout and
the second the date string. If the string can’t be convert it
returns the zero value.

unixEpoch #

func unixEpoch(date time.Time) string
Returns the seconds since the unix epoch for a 'time.Time'.