Sprig Strings

Sprig Strings #

abbrev #

func abbrev(width int, str string) string
Truncates a string with ellipses (...).

abbrevboth #

func abbrevboth(left int, right int, str string) string
Abbreviates both sides with ellipses (...).

camelcase #

func camelcase(str string) string
Converts string from snake_case to CamelCase.

cat #

func cat(args ...interface{}) string
Concatenates multiple strings together into one, separating them with

containsSprig #

func containsSprig(substr string, str string) bool
Tests to see if one string is contained inside of another.

Aliases #

  • contains

hasPrefix #

func hasPrefix(prefix string, str string) bool
Tests whether a string has a given prefix.

hasSuffix #

func hasSuffix(suffix string, str string) bool
Tests whether a string has a given suffix.

indentSprig #

func indentSprig(spaces int, str string) string
Indents every line in a given string to the specified indent width.
This is useful when aligning multi-line strings.

Aliases #

  • indent

initials #

func initials(str string) string
Given multiple words, takes the first letter of each word and combine.

kebabcase #

func kebabcase(str string) string
Convert string from camelCase to kebab-case.

lower #

func lower(str string) string
Converts the entire string to lowercase.

nindentSprig #

func nindentSprig(spaces int, str string) string
Same as the indent function, but prepends a new line to the beginning
of the string.

Aliases #

  • nindent

nospace #

func nospace(str string) string
Removes all whitespace from a string.

plural #

func plural(one string, many string, count int) string
Pluralizes a string.

quote #

func quote(str ...interface{}) string
Wraps each argument with double quotes.

randAlpha #

func randAlpha(count int) string
Generates random string with letters.

randAlphaNum #

func randAlphaNum(count int) string
Generates random string with letters and digits.

randAscii #

func randAscii(count int) string
Generates random string with ASCII printable characters.

randNumeric #

func randNumeric(count int) string
Generates random string with digits.

repeatSprig #

func repeatSprig(count int, str string) string
Repeats a string multiple times.

Aliases #

  • repeat

replace #

func replace(old string, new string, src string) string
Performs simple string replacement.

shuffle #

func shuffle(str string) string
Shuffle a string.

snakecase #

func snakecase(str string) string
Converts string from camelCase to snake_case.

squote #

func squote(args ...interface{}) string
Wraps each argument with single quotes.

substr #

func substr(start int, length int, str string) string
Get a substring from a string.

swapcase #

func swapcase(str string) string
Swaps the uppercase to lowercase and lowercase to uppercase.

title #

func title(str string) string
Converts to title case.

toString #

func toString(value interface{}) string
Converts any value to string.

trim #

func trim(str string) string
Removes space from either side of a string.

trimAll #

func trimAll(chars string, str string) string
Removes given characters from the front or back of a string.

Aliases #

  • trimall

trimPrefix #

func trimPrefix(prefix string, str string) string
Trims just the prefix from a string if present.

trimSuffix #

func trimSuffix(suffix string, str string) string
Trims just the suffix from a string if present.

truncSprig #

func truncSprig(length int, str string) string
Truncates a string (and add no suffix).

Aliases #

  • trunc

untitle #

func untitle(str string) string
Removes title casing.

upper #

func upper(str string) string
Converts the entire string to uppercase.

wrapSprig #

func wrapSprig(length int, str string) string
Wraps text at a given column count.

Aliases #

  • wrap

wrapWith #

func wrapWith(length int, spe string, str string) string
Works as wrap, but lets you specify the string to wrap with (wrap uses