Building a scenario

This is the documentation of the parameters of a scenario.

Parameters in bold are mandatory

Parameter Type Usage
name string Name of the scenario, used mainly for debugging purposes
weight number An arbitrary weight gived to the scenario
events []Events The events happening in this scenario

The chance that a single specific scenario will be randomized is given by weight/totalWeights

Supported events Documentation

Type Description
Search Represents one query sent to the index. Typically the submit of the search bar, search as you type, etc.
Click Represents a click on a document that was returned by a query. Can represent either a document open or a quickview.
Facet Represents an event sent when the user chooses a value in a facet.
Tab Represents when the user changes the tabs on top of the result list in a search page.
SearchAndClick Use when you want to click on a specific document after a specific search. Ties a search and a click event together.
Custom A custom event sent to the analytics, contains custom data.
SetOrigin An event to tell the bot to change the origin of the events (use this when the user moved between search pages for example)
Page View An event when a user visits a page.

Consult each event doc for information on how to build a specific event.


    "name"   : "A name",
    "weight" : 1,
    "events" : [ ]