Documentation for the usage analytics bot

This is the documentation index file for all the possible options of the data generation bot. This file should be kept up to date with the changes, otherwise contact the author.

Documentation of how to build a scenario

General parameters

Parameters that are necessary are in bold, otherwise there is a default value in defaults\defauls.go Parameters that are optional without a default value are in italics

Parameter Type Usage Default
orgName string The name of the cloud org (none)
searchendpoint string Endpoint where to direct the search queries
analyticsendpoint string Endpoint where to direct the usage analytics events
randomGoodQueries []string The dataset of random queries (good ones) ""
randomBadQueries []string The dataset of random queries (bad ones) ""
scenarios []Scenarios The dataset of scenarios to execute (none) See documentation
timeBetweenVisits number The time to wait between each visits (between 0 and X seconds) 120 seconds
timeBetweenActions number The time to wait between each actions (between 0 and X seconds) 3 seconds
pipeline string The name of the pipeline the queries will use (none)
defaultOriginLevel1 string The name of the originLevel1 param by default (none)
partialMatch boolean Enable partial match on the queries false
partialMatchKeywords number Number of words after which to enable partial match (none)
partialMatchTreshold string Number of words considered in a partial match (string because you can send "50%") (none)
allowAnonymousVisits boolean If you allow some of the visits to be anonymous false
anonymousTreshold number Number between 0 and 1 of the % of anonymous visits 0
globalfilter string A filter to be applied to all queries ""
languages []string A list of random languages for the visits (none)

Change default datasets parameters

All the parameters in this section have a default dataset defined in the .\defaults\defaults.go file. But you can override them by setting some yourself in the config file.

The actual emails of the user will be composed of a mix of firstname+"."+lastname+emailsuffix

In order to influence random values in the datasets, just copy the same value multiple time

Parameter Type Usage
Emails []string Email suffixes for the users in the form of
FirstNames []string A list of possible first names
LastNames []string A list of possible last names
RandomIPs []string A list of possible IP
UserAgents []string A list of UserAgent strings
Languages []string A list of possible languages (TBD)
MobileUserAgents []string A list of UserAgents strings that are on mobile


  "searchendpoint"          : "",
  "analyticsendpoint"       : "",
  "partialMatch"            : true,
  "partialMatchKeywords"    : 4,
  "partialMatchTreshold"    : "50%",
  "defaultOriginLevel1"     : "origin",
  "timeBetweenVisits"       : 120,
  "timeBetweenActions"      : 3,
  "allowAnonymousVisits"    : true,
  "anonymousTreshold"       : 0.5,
  "orgName"                 : "orgname",
  "pipeline"                : "pipeline",
  "allowEntitlements"       : true,
  "randomCustomData"        : [ { "apiname": "nameofacustomdimension", "values" : [ "value 1", "value 2", "value 3" ] } ],
  "languages"               : ["en", "fr"],
  "globalfilter"            : "@uri",
  "randomGoodQueries"       : [ "First query", "Second query", "Third query", "etc..." ],
  "randomBadQueries"        : [ "First bad query", "Second bad query", "You can even use query syntax @source=Sharepoint", "etc..." ],
  "scenarios"               : []